
애플 뉴 아이패드 프로(iPad Pro) 9.7" 와 iPhone SE


더 버지는 애플이 2010년 이 시리즈를 출시한 이후 12번째 아이패드인 9.7인치 '아이패드 프로'를 출시했다고 전했습니다.

지난 겨울에 나온 최신의 12.9인치짜리 '아이패드 프로'와 이름이 같기 때문에 헷갈릴 수 있다고 전하고 있습니다.  앞으로 '큰 아이패드 프로'와 '작은 아이패드 프로'라고 구분해 불러야 할지도... 덧붙여서, 작은 아이패드 프로는 현재 출시 중인 '아이패드 에어 2'와 사이즈가 거의 비슷합니다.


아래는 뉴 아이패드 프로 제품 시연 영상


성능 및 가격 정보는 아래와 같습니다

■ A9X 프로세서가 탑재
펜 모양 입력기인 애플 펜슬 지원.
4개의 스피커와 스마트 커넥터.
화면 화소 수는 2048×1536으로 기존의 9.7인치 '아이패드 에어 2'와 동일.
32GB 모델은 599 달러(69만4천 원), 128GB 모델은 749 달러(86만8천 원), 256GB 모델은 899 달러(104만2천 원).
미국 내 3월 24일 예약 주문 시작. 출시일은 3월 31일.


더 버지는 아이패드 시리즈의 성능을 높이고 애플 펜슬과 자체 제작한 키보드를 제작해 생산성을 강조하는 이유가 대부분의 회사가 사무실에서 사용 중인 델, HP, 싱크패드 등의 랩톱 내지는 데스크톱 PC를 대체하려는 전략 때문이라고 보도했습니다.

애플은 아울러 아이폰, 아이패드, 아이팟 터치 등에 쓰이는 모바일 운영체제 iOS의 최신 버전인 9.3을 내놨는데 이 제품에서는 최근 발견된 아이메시지 보안성 결함 등이 해결됐다고 합니다.


아래는 iphone SE 입니다.



이날 출시된 아이폰 SE는 아이폰 5s와 외형이 비슷하지만 성능은 아이폰 6s와 같다. 1200만 화소 카메라에 '라이브 포토'와 근거리통신(NFC)을 이용한 애플 페이 및 4K 비디오 캡처 기능을 지원한다.

가격은 16 기가바이트(GB) 모델이 399달러(46만2000원)에 64GB 모델은 499 달러(57만8000원)다. 예약주문은 24일 개시되며 배송과 출시는 31일이다. 한국은 1차 출시국에서 제외됐다.애플은 또 9.7인치 크기의 아이패드 프로 신제품도 함께 공개했다. 지난해에 출시된 12.9인치 아이패드 프로와 마찬가지로 A9X 프로세서가탑재돼 있다. 스피커 4개와 스마트 커넥터도 달려 있다. 화면 화소 수는 2048×1536으로 기존의 9.7인치 '아이패드 에어 2'등과 똑같다.

와이파이 전용 기준으로 32GB 모델은 599 달러(69만4000원)이다. 256GB 모델은 899달러(104만2000원)다. 애플이 iOS용 256GB 용량 제품을 내놓은 것은 이번이 처음이다. 애플은 또 스마트시계인 '애플 워치'의 최저 가격을 349달러(40만4000원)에서 299달러(34만6000원)로 50달러 내렸다. 


 아래는 더 버지(THE VERGE) 기사 입니다. ( ☞ 기 )

Apple built the iPad Pro to replace Windows, not your iPad 2


Apple’s new iPad Pro is the twelfth iPad to be released since the original debuted back in 2010, and it borrows features from two of Apple’s existing tablets. The new iPad Pro has the size and weight of the iPad Air 2 — 9.7-inches, which Apple notes is by far the most popular of its three iPad size choices — while bringing over the power and accessories of the 12.9-inch iPad Pro launched last year. (Yes, the new iPad Pro and the existing iPad Pro have the same name — you’ll have to get used to identifying them by size.)

Apple now offers three sizes of iPad with multiple variants at almost every size. That’s a lot of iPads for sale. The problem is, Apple isn’t selling as many iPads as it used to. Sales of the tablet have been inching downward for years, and in Apple’s most recent quarterly report, iPad sales fell 25 percent from the previous year.

The thing is, the iPad is easily the best tablet on the market, regardless of which size you choose. And in a vacuum, the sales aren’t terrible: estimates have put the iPad Pro at higher sales than Microsoft’s Surface Pro, and many companies would kill to move the numbers of devices Apple does in just its tablet line.


But the iPad’s problem has been that while it’s better than any other tablet on the market, new iPads aren’t that much better than previous iPads. Unlike phones, which tend to get upgraded every year or two (and have been propped up by trade-in programs), iPad owners tend to keep their iPads for a really long time. If you bought an iPad 2 back in 2011, is the new iPad Pro’s Pencil and keyboard support enough to get you to spend $600 to replace that old iPad 2? The answer so far has been no: the thinner, faster, and higher-res options of the iPads that succeeded the iPad 2 have not been enough for most people to upgrade. The same pattern is borne out in the smaller iPad mini line — data shows that the most popular iPad mini is the first generation that came out in 2012, despite there being three generations of successors.



So if regular consumers are perfectly happy with their years-old iPads and are clearly not interested in upgrading them, who is the iPad for? And more specifically, who is this new line of Pro iPads for?

The answer seems to be people with old Windows PCs.

Senior vice president Phil Schiller pointed out on stage that there are over 600 million PCs in use that are over five years old, noting "that’s really sad." Ignoring the obvious irony that there are millions of five-year-old iPads still in use, it becomes clear that Apple doesn’t expect iPad owners to buy more iPads. It expects owners of ancient Windows PCs to buy them — particularly corporate IT departments.

There are myriad reasons why regular people are still using five-year-old PCs. Perhaps it’s because Microsoft’s radical changes in Windows 8 scared them off and Windows 10’s rollbacks haven’t been enough to entice them. Perhaps it’s because what they do on a PC — browsing the web, paying bills, watching Netflix, Skyping with relatives — is just as easy to do on an old PC as it is on a new one. Selling iPads to this group would be lucrative, but that doesn’t seem to be Apple’s play.


A good chunk of five-year-old PCs are likely in use in business environments — clunky old Dells and HPs and ThinkPads that haven’t been updated in ages. Apple has been pushing to get the iPad into the enterprise market for some time, and it would would love for all of those business users to swap them out for iPad Pros, whether it’s the 12.9-inch model or the new 9.7-inch version. That’s why Apple has been so keen to pitch them as productivity devices and went so far to build its own keyboard cases and stylus to go along with them.

Apple is very quick to tout the power and capabilities of its Pro line — Schiller spent valuable stage time on a deeply nerdy tangent about the new Pro’s anti-reflective display technology. The company is even selling a USB adapter for the iPad that can work with an Ethernet network adapter. Consumers likely don’t care about plugging their iPad into an hardwired network, but those business users that need to connect to the office network at their desk sure do.

The new iPad Pro isn’t ignoring consumers entirely — Apple upgraded the cameras and speakers compared to the iPad Air 2 and is offering it in four metallic finishes. And Apple will certainly be happy to sell one to any consumer that’s willing to pay the Pro price premium.

But if it wasn’t apparent before, it’s crystal clear today that Apple sees the future of the iPad in the conference rooms and airline seats of working professionals. Now it’s just a matter of getting the business world to bite.


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